Department of
Biological Systems Engineering

Washington State University Navigation Bar

Roger L. Nelson, M.S.
Research Assistant

Phone: 509-335-1100
Fax: 509-335-2722

This page has been accessed times Since Sept. 15, 1996.


B.S. in Computer Science, Central Washington University
M.S. in Computer Science, Washington State University

Mr. Nelson's major area of study was Artificial Intelligence with interests in Blackboard model based expert systems, reason maintenance, logic, database languages, application programming, and concurrent object oriented programming paradigms. He currently works Biological Systems Department as a Research Associate.


Dr. Claudio O. Stöckle's internationalized cropping system and hydrological water budgeting model, including parameter file generator, report viewer, runtime graphics, report data graphics viewer, batch run generator, data import and export utilities, and configuration for foreign languages (English French, Spanish, Catalan, and Italian are currently supported under Windows and DOS).

Weather data generator

Comprehensive Animal Nutrient Management System

Geographic Information Systems laboratory.
Lab manager
Environmental modeling research laboratory.
Lab manager


A utility for running simulation models over Arc/INFO GIS map coverages.

Soil erosion and Water runoff.
Carbon sequestration optimization
For pasture grazing regimens.


Excel OLE/COM C++ Builder example
A two small examples for reading/writing Excel spreadsheets using Excel OLE/API under C++ Builder (5.0). One example is with early binding, the other is with late binding.

Other Interests:

8-bit Microcontroller compendium
The Microcontroller compendium is now fully cross linked for most microcontrollers to relevent vendor WWW pages!.

These documents were prepared by Roger Nelson to aid in the design of microcontroller systems. Refer to the appropriate vendor data books for an accurate detailed reference.

These files are also available as text files, but the text files will no longer being maintained. Some WWW browers try to format the documents for some reason, you may need to "Save as" and edit the file or something.
The compendium
6811 taxonomy (not mine)

The following are tables comparing the pinouts of the Motorola 8-bit microcontroller families.
Pinout of the MC 6800 and 6802 families
Pinout of the MC 6801 and 6803 families
Pinout of the MC 6804 family
Pinout of the MC 6805 family
Pinout of the MC 6811

This page is maintained by Roger Nelson. Last modified Jan. 10, 1997.